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Summer Online SSAT Course
1. Welcome Video
Here is the plan (2:37)
2. Classes
Class One (52:58)
Class Two (47:26)
Class Three (51:49)
Class Four (51:43)
Class Five (51:14)
Class Six (57:15)
Class Seven (48:19)
Class Eight (36:06)
Class Nine (54:07)
Class Ten (59:18)
Check in Class on Practice Test (58:55)
3. Introduction to the SSAT
Introduction to the SSAT (22:12)
Class Zoom Link
Please Provide Your Address
The SSAT Vocabulary Program (The "Orange Cards"} (6:41)
4. Math
Video 4.1 SSAT Number Concepts and Operations (29:29)
Video 4.2 10 Most Common SSAT Math Problems (24:06)
Introduction to SSAT Math
SSAT Algebra
SSAT Geometry
5. Verbal
Introduction to SSAT Verbal
SSAT Synonyms
Video 5.1 SSAT Analogies General Knowledge (9:26)
Video 5.2 The "Dirty Dozen" SSAT Vocabulary Words (14:39)
Video 5.3 30 Difficult SSAT Analogies (28:16)
6. Reading
Introduction to SSAT Reading Comprehension
Teacher-led Sample Lessons
Powering Up Your Reading Comp Score
7. Writing
Introduction to SSAT Writing Sample
Thoughts on the SSAT Essay
8. Quizzes
Quiz for Orange Cards 1 - 10
Quiz for Orange Cards 11 - 20
Quiz for Orange Cards 21 - 30
Quiz for Orange Cards 31 - 40
Quiz for Orange Cards 41 - 50
Quiz for Harder SSAT Vocabulary, part I
Quiz for Harder SSAT Vocabulary, part II
Quiz for Harder SSAT Vocabulary, part III
Quiz for Harder SSAT Vocabulary, part IV
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Quiz for Orange Cards 31 - 40
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